New Item Available on Etsy - Make Your own Custom 24 g 3" x 4" Etch Copper Sheet (thinner copper sheet)

Custom Design your Own Copper Etched Sheet   3" x 4"  18g
This is for the 24g thinner copper sheet -  not quite as deep an etch because the copper is thinner but still not just a surface etch.   The nice thing about the 24g is that you can cut with scissors - and finish with a nail file and its very pliable and can be worked with your fingers as you can see from this piece that I am prepping for my assembly for the 8th Annual Bead Soup reveal at the beginning of May .

I used my fingers to bend the edges into shape-

I have posted this  new item on Etsy -   Just send me your artwork (must be your own original or free artwork  - no trademark art)  and I will etch it onto copper for you -    if you choose 5 pieces you can have them all the same or a range from 1-5 different patterns - 

I will save your work so if you want to reorder it can be made up easily and if you need help with it fitting in the 3 x 5"  space I can help resize for you

My existing zentangle design sheets are on the 24g copper sheeting 

other sizes and gauges will be coming for the custom copper sheets and copper shapes

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