Toronto Bead Society Show - Great Weekend

I always love meeting up and seeing and chatting with the other artists

Looked to be a great show - lots  of people  and the final of the season for me

Decisions on how to fit everything on my table since  I got used to that extra 2 ft during the summer shows (having two tables in an L shape) made such a difference - so during the winter I'll design something I've been thinking about for a couple years -  some sort of stand -  I miss the tent rod where I could hand items - so I'll work with that  thought in mind for the design
but as always I set up to get the most out of the table

So little time - I did not get all my dichro onto cards  so I set them out in trays - which is how I used to set them out 
but really convinced I need above the head display and something to display my bracelets better 
s I had nice bracelets displays but they were hard to use - had to keep taking them down to get to bracelets for people to try on 
now I'm using high tech displays 
(a plastic container box ) 
makes it easier to grab and try on  ( the extra 2ft of table used to be where I laid out the copper pieces) 
Was sooooooooo tired on saturday but sunday morning with  a later start - an extra hour sleep and no set up was wonderfull -
I've got my tear down to under 10 minutes packed and ready to go 

all in all a great end to the season 

Now to post stuff to etsy ..........

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