Weekend Craft Store Crawl -

This weekend - my wrists is not too bad so I am going to do a craft store crawl  -

The first place I have to get to is

Tuckers Pottery - I want to see and pick up a few more glazes as I want to do some ceramic pieces up before the spring and they are only open from 9-noon on Saturday


I love going there - they have cool stuff and kilns to look at

The second place is Tandy Leather 


I found this a couple of years ago - I love picking up a few more stamps (I use these on my glass as well as leather)  they have cool conchos to buy
looking at these ones to pick up (you can buy online but I like once in a while for the touchy feely trip)
Time Piece Gear Concho Antique NickelPlate Gear Concho Antique NickelPropellar Gear Concho Antique Nickel
Looking at this geometric stamp set
Geometric Designs Stamp Set looks really cool
If you have never done leather - its pretty easy - for stamping  - I took a class at the shop and they have some great videos on line to follow as well.

Then I need to go to BeadFX - to get some of those Vintaj folders for my bigkick  and to drop off some metal for a friend to pick up

I may go to Micheals

and to the new franchise that just showed up in my area called Deserres


and possibly Cuirry's if I have time

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