2nd Sheet Dichro fired - ready for Zentangle engraving

I finally had a chance last night to go and pull the cooled sheet out of the kiln
this is the 2nd  sheet ready for engraving -   the dichro was fired face down so that it is perfectly flat so that I  can use my dremel to engrave the Zentangle designs .  the sheet is approx 6 x 6
and I used some of the reds and oranges/sepias in this one

again I wish I could show better colours with the pics - they are so bright 

I'll sit this weekend while I'm copper etching and start on the these sheets 
I'd like to get them all etched by next week and cut up , sides ground down and then fire polish 

I do like to have new items for sale at my show each year 
and of course its been cold and I've been procrastinating getting things done so its going to be a busy few weeks stocking up for month end show 

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